Re : Petit Abécédaire de Magie

Planete Roliste
benben • Feb 9, 2016
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
Ce pouvoir protège l’adepte contre les attaques physiques. Pour chaque niveau, il lui confère un point d’Armure, cumulative avec toute autre, sans toutefois s’ajouter à l’encombrement. Cette armure protège également contre les dommages subis en combat astral.
Coût : 1 PP par niveau
Ce pouvoir augmente l’indice d’un attribut physique
précis (Agilité, Constitution, Force, Réaction) de 1 point par niveau, et peut également affecter la Limite physique en fonction du nouvel indice, entre autres (l’indice amélioré de l’attribut est pris en compte pour tout ce qu’affecte normalement l’attribut). Ce pouvoir permet de dépasser le maximum naturel d’attribut, jusqu’à son maximum augmenté (maximum naturel + 4).
Coût : 0,25 PP par niveau Activation : Action simple
L’adepte peut faire appel à ses ressources intérieures pour réaliser des prouesses physiques extraordinaires, bien au delà de ses aptitudes normales. Il faut acheter un pouvoir d’Augmentation d’attribut séparément pour chaque attribut physique (Agilité, Constitution, Force, Réaction) à altérer et il est possible de l’acheter pour des attributs différents. Ce pouvoir ne peut être acheté ni pour un attribut mental ni pour un attribut spécial.
Quand ce pouvoir est activé, il faut effectuer un test de Magie+niveau d’Augmentation d’attribut. Chaque succès augmente l’indice de l’attribut auquel est affecté ce pouvoir de 1, jusqu’au maximum augmenté de cet attribut. Cela n’affecte que les réserves de dés, la Limite physique et l’attribut Initiative ne changent pas, par exemple. L’augmentation dure pendant (succès obtenus × 2) tours de combats. Quand elle prend fin, l’adepte subit un Drain égal au niveau de ce pouvoir.
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
Ce pouvoir augmente l’indice d’une compétence spéci-
fique de combat, de véhicules, physique, sociale ou technique de 1 point par niveau. Il est nécessaire de connaître cette compétence afin d’acheter ce pouvoir pour l’augmenter, et il est impossible de l’acheter pour des groupes de compétences. L’amélioration maximale possible est égale à la moitié du niveau actuel de la compétence (soit un indice total égal au maximum à niveau actuel × 1,5), arrondie au supérieur.
Coût : 0,25 PP par niveau
Contrôle corporel donne à l’adepte un contrôle total sur son langage corporel et sur sa communication non verbale et subconsciente, même s’il est en situation sociale stressante. Cela inclut les micro-expressions faciales, les mouvements corporels et oculaires, les fluctuations du rythme cardiaque et de la pression artérielle, et même un contrôle sur les glandes sudoripares ; il devient donc très difficile de jauger son état émotionnel et sa sincérité. Il bénéficie d’un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 par niveau pour résister aux tests sociaux et aux tests destinés à évaluer ses émotions comme ceux pour Jauger les intentions ou la sincérité (par exemple, un sort d’Analyse de véracité), ou l’Observation astrale. Lorsque quelqu’un essaie de lire l’aura d’un personnage doté de Contrôle corporel, le test d’Observation astrale devient un test opposé contre le niveau de ce pouvoir. Si l’observateur obtient des succès excédentaires, il réussit à lire correctement les émotions du personnage.
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
Le Contrôle vocal induit un contrôle extraordinaire des
propriétés vocales, permettant à l’adepte de changer la tonalité, la hauteur, l’octave et le volume de sa voix à volonté. Il peut masquer sa voix et imiter des sons compris dans les li- mites normales de la vocalisation métahumaine (et n’a donc pas accès aux infrasons et ultrasons) ou les voix d’autres personnes. S’il utilise ce truc pour tromper une personne ou un système de reconnaissance vocale, il réalise un test opposé d’Imposture + Charisme + niveau de ce pouvoir [Mentale] contre le double de l’indice du système de reconnaissance vocale, ou contre Perception + Intuition des personnes qu’il tente de tromper.
L’adepte est également capable d’ajuster sa voix pour générer des effets sociaux positifs, augmentant sa Limite sociale de 1 par niveau.
Coût : 0,5 PP
Ce pouvoir améliore une compétence de combat en mêlée spécifique, qu’il s’agisse d’Armes contondantes, Armes tranchantes, Combat à mains nues, Combat astral, ou d’une compétence particulière d’Arme de mêlée exotique. Cette compétence spécifique est sélectionnée lors de l’achat du pouvoir, mais ce dernier peut être choisi à plusieurs reprises par l’adepte, à chaque fois pour une compétence de mêlée différente.
La VD des attaques de l’adepte qui utilisent la compétence rattachée à ce pouvoir est augmentée de 1. Coup critique est compatible avec les armes et autres pouvoirs d’adepte.
Coût : 0,5 PP
Activation : action simple
Avec ce pouvoir, courir sur une distance limitée sur des murs bruts ou d’autres surfaces verticales devient possible. Pour l’utiliser, il faut faire un test de Course + Force [Magie], l’adepte pouvant grimper en une phase d’action d’un nombre de mètres égal à ses succès. S’il souhaite courir sur de plus longues distances, il aura besoin de marchepieds, de rebords, ou d’un endroit où s’arrêter pour réutiliser ce pouvoir ensuite. S’il veut courir le long d’une surface verticale plutôt que de la grimper, il peut le faire en combinant ce pouvoir avec une action de Sprint (p. 164). À la fin de son déplacement, il chute du mur, qu’il ait atteint son but ou non.
Coût : 0,25 PP par niveau Activation : Action gratuite
Ce pouvoir permet à l’adepte d’accomplir plus de choses en un tour de combat. Chaque niveau de ce pouvoir confère un modificateur de +2 au score d’initiative pendant ce tour de combat. Au début du prochain tour après l’activation de Décharge d’adrénaline, il subit un Drain égal au nombre de niveaux de ce pouvoir.
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
L’adepte récupère plus rapidement des dommages, en se soignant magiquement sur des périodes prolongées. Il bénéficie d’un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 par niveau à sa Constitution pour les tests de guérison, ainsi que d’un bonus équivalent pour tous les tests effectués pour le soigner par des moyens magiques ou ordinaires (comme le sort de Soins ou la compétence de Premiers soins), que la tentative soit la sienne ou celle d’un autre personnage.
Coût : 0,25 PP par niveau
Immunité naturelle ajoute un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 par niveau aux tests de résistance de l’adepte contre les toxines et maladies.
Coût : 0,5 PP
Activation : action gratuite
Ce pouvoir permet à l’adepte d’infliger des dommages mortels à mains nues, lui donnant le choix d’infliger à la cible de ses attaques à mains nues des dommages physiques ou étourdissants. Mains mortelles peut être combiné avec d’autres pouvoirs d’adepte qui peuvent augmenter les dommages à mains nues. De plus, les attaques à l’aide de ce pouvoir sont magiques et peuvent donc surpasser les défenses magiques d’une créature contre des attaques normales, telle que conférées par le pouvoir d’Immunité aux armes normales, et elles peuvent aussi être utilisées par l’adepte doté de Perception astrale en combat astral.
Coût : 0,25 PP par niveau
Activation : action d’interruption (-5 au score d’initiative)
L’adepte peut attraper des projectiles de vitesse relativement faible en plein mouvement, se saisissant par exemple de flèches, de couteaux de lancer, de grenades ou des shurikens. En utilisant ce pouvoir, il gagne un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 par niveau à sa défense contre les tests d’attaque à distance employant de telles armes. S’il obtient des succès excédentaires, il s’empare de l’objet en plein vol. Il faut avoir au moins une main libre pour utiliser Parade de projectiles.
Coût : 1 PP
Ce pouvoir donne l’aptitude de se déplacer sur des surfaces sans y laisser de traces, même s’il devait s’agir de neige, de sable ou de papier fin. Aucun son ne provient du contact de l’adepte avec le sol, bien que le mouvement puisse causer d’autres sons, et les tests de Perception faits pour le détecter subissent un modificateur de réserve de dés de -4. Il n’active pas non plus les senseurs de pression et autres détecteurs de vibration implantés dans le sol. Malgré ce pouvoir magique, il n’y a pas de miracle, et l’adepte ne peut se déplacer sur les surfaces liquides, bien qu’il puisse marcher dans de la poudreuse sans s’y enfoncer. Malgré la possibilité de le pister par des indices non visuels comme l’odeur, même ces tests de Pistage sont plus difficiles et su- bissent un modificateur de réserve de dés de -2.
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
Ce pouvoir aiguise tous les sens de l’adepte, qui obtient un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 par niveau pour tous ses tests de Perception et Observation astrale.
Coût : 1 PP
Activation : Action simple
Ce pouvoir permet à l’adepte de faire le pont entre les royaumes astral et physique et de voir dans le monde astral. Pendant l’utilisation de la perception astrale, il a une nature duale et peut donc attaquer les formes astrales. Il suit l’en- semble des règles normales de perception astrale (p. 312).
Coût : 0,25 PP par niveau
Poids plume est utilisé pour faire des sauts incroyables sur de longues distances. Le niveau du pouvoir est ajouté à l’Agilité avant de calculer la distance maximale que l’adepte peut sauter, et un nombre de dés équivalent est ajouté à son test de Gymnastique pour réaliser ce saut. S’il devait tomber, la hauteur effective de chute est réduite du niveau en mètres lors du calcul des dommages de chute.
Coût : 0,5 PP
Ce pouvoir permet à l’adepte d’augmenter de 1 l’une de ses Limites naturelles (physique, mentale, sociale), spécifiée à l’achat du pouvoir. Il est possible d’acheter ce pouvoir une fois par Limite naturelle.
Coût : 0,25 PP
Dans les mains de l’adepte, les armes deviennent une extension de son corps. Il choisit une compétence de combat (Pistolets, Armes contondantes, Armes lourdes, etc., sauf Combat à mains nues) lorsqu’il acquiert ce pouvoir, et ajoute 1 à la Précision de l’arme qu’il utilise quand elle relève de cette compétence. Ce pouvoir peut être acheté à plusieurs reprises, pour une compétence différente à chaque fois.
Coût : variable (cf. table)
Ce pouvoir augmente la vitesse de réaction de l’adepte, tout comme les réflexes câblés. Chaque niveau confère un modificateur de +1 à la Réaction qui affecte également l’Initiative, et +1D6 dés d’initiative (avec un maximum de 5D6). Le niveau maximal de Réflexes améliorés est 3, et cette augmentation ne peut être combinée avec d’autres augmentations technologiques ou magiques de l’initiative.
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
Résistance à la douleur donne à l’adepte la capacité d’ignorer les effets des blessures (sans annuler les dommages réels). Pour chaque niveau de Résistance à la douleur, les modificateurs de blessures tels que déterminés à partir du moniteur de condition sont déplacés d’une case. Ainsi, avec un niveau de pouvoir, il subit un modificateur de -1 après 4 cases de dommages au lieu de 3. Avec un niveau de 2, la pénalité n’intervient pas jusqu’à ce qu’il subisse 5 cases de dommages. Résistance à la douleur fonctionne aussi bien sur le moniteur de condition physique que étourdissant, et fonctionne contre les effets douloureux de la torture, de la magie, des maladies, etc. Chaque niveau ajoute un modificateur de réserve de dés de +2 aux tests de résistance à la souffrance.
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
L’adepte résiste de manière innée aux sorts, bénéficiant d’un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 par niveau à ses tests de résistance aux sorts, à la magie rituelle, aux préparations alchimiques, ou au pouvoir de Sort innée des créatures (mais pas à leurs autres pouvoirs). Résistance aux sorts n’interfère pas avec les sorts auquel l’adepte choisit de ne pas résister.
Coût : 0,25 PP
Ce pouvoir étend les sens de l’adepte pour lui donner des capacités qui ne sont normalement pas accessibles à son métatype. Cela inclut par exemple la vision thermographique ou nocturne, l’audition des hautes ou basses fréquences, et ainsi de suite. Toute amélioration sensorielle potentiellement fournie par le bioware ou le cyberware peut être obtenue par l’intermédiaire de ce pouvoir, à moins qu’elle ne donne un bonus aux tests de Perception, ou nécessite une connexion sans fil pour fonctionner (ou les deux). Il est possible d’acheter ce pouvoir une fois par sens.
Outre les améliorations sensorielles listées pour le bioware et le cyberware, d’autres existent et incluent :
Oreille absolue : un test de Perception + Intuition (2) permet de reconnaître une note musicale, que ce soit en l’écoutant ou en ressentant sa fréquence de vibration. Cela ne signifie pas que l’adepte sera un bon chanteur ou musicien, simplement qu’il peut savoir quand il chante ou joue faux.
Sens de la direction : apporte un modificateur de réserve de dés de +2 aux tests d’Orientation lors des déplacements. De plus, un test de Perception + Intuition (2) permet d’identifier la direction à laquelle on fait face et de savoir si l’on est au-dessus ou au-dessous du niveau de la mer.
Sens du poids : avec un test de Perception + Intuition (2), l’adepte peut déterminer le poids d’un objet au gramme près, tant qu’il est capable de le soulever ou le porter. Ce qui peut être utile pour les bateleurs de fête foraine et les arcanoarchéologues qui essaient de savoir combien pèse cette statue qu’ils essaient de récupérer sur cette dalle de pression.
Toucher amélioré : les doigts de l’adepte sont sensibles aux imperfections à la surface d’un objet, permettant à l’adepte de remarquer quelque chose d’aussi subtil que les indentations causées par l’écriture sur une feuille de papier (ou même sur la feuille d’en dessous dans le bloc), ce qui résulte en termes de jeu en un modificateur de réserve de dés de +2 aux tests de Perception tactile.
Coût : 0,5 PP par niveau
Sens du combat confère la sensation instinctive de toutes les menaces potentielles proches. L’adepte reçoit un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 par niveau de ce pouvoir pour ses tests de défense contre les attaques de mêlée et à distance. De plus, il a toujours droit à un test de Perception quand il existe une possibilité de surprise, avec le bénéfice d’être alerté s’il passe le test avec succès.
Coût : 0,25 PP par niveau
Ce pouvoir rend l’adepte instinctivement sensible à son environnement et à toutes les menaces imminentes qui peuvent ne pas être immédiatement visibles. Il est comme ce mauvais pressentiment qu’un personnage a juste avant de mettre les pieds dans un piège, ce qui le prend aux tripes et le fait sauter un instant avant que les problèmes ne s’abattent. Chaque niveau de ce pouvoir confère un modificateur de réserve de dés de +1 à l’adepte pour ses tests de Surprise.
Spoiler: Nouveaux pouvoirs Adepte / English
Adepts with this power can easily analyze, detect, rec- ognize, and solve ciphers, patterns, or puzzles. This allows them to recognize clues or evidence during an investigation. For every level purchased, Analytics grants a +1 modifier to any test that involves pattern recognition, evidence analysis, observation, puzzle solving, or logic-based problems. It does not add dice to Technological Skill tests except for identification purposes. For example, Analytics doesn’t help with repairing a firearm, but it will help the adept recognize a knock-off.)
Analytics is not an immediate or instant solution to every problem. Rather, it’s meant to help the adept detect clues and glean information that could be over- looked (gamemaster’s discretion).
This power gives the adept a greater affinity for all non-sentient animals, both normal and paranormal. For every level purchased, the adept gains +1 die to all Animal Handling tests. This power can also be used to intimidate or frighten animals.
The adept can voluntarily enter a frenzied mental state to increase his physical abilities. While in this state, the adept gains a +1 to all Physical attributes but suffers a temporary loss of –1 to all Mental attributes (minimum of 1; this power cannot be used by adepts with any Mental attributes starting at 1). Note: this also affects the adept’s Physical and Mental limits. Once activated, the adept remains in this state for (Magic x 2) Combat Turns or until any enemy targets are down. Adepts can attempt to leave this state early with a Willpower + Charisma (Magic x 0.5) Test. When the power wears off, adepts must resist Drain equal to (Magic x 0.5, rounded up).
The adept passes melee berserking and delves deeper into a frenzied mental state. All bonuses and penalties from the Berserker power are increased to +2, and the duration is increased to (Magic x 4) minutes. To exit this state early requires a Willpower + Charisma Test. The threshold is 9 – the adept’s Magic Rating, with a mini- mum threshold of 3. If successful, the adept can use her full Mental attributes to resist Drain. Regardless of when she exits this state, the adept will have to resist a Drain Value of (Magic x 0.5). Any Wound Modifiers apply. A glitch on an exit attempt increases the duration to (Magic x 3) minutes.
COST: 0.5 PP
Drawing on a special kind of sixth sense, an adept with this power is able to continue fighting even when he is blinded or deprived of vision. It reduces the penalty for Blind Fighting by 1. This power can be combined with the Strike the Darkness martial arts technique for a cu- mulative reduction of 2 (p. 141, Run & Gun).
Using the Cloak power, the adept has an increased chance of avoiding magical detection. For every level of this power, the adept gains a +1 die for opposing a Detection spell being used against her (see p. 285, SR5). Cloak does not prevent a magician or mystic ad- ept from reading the adept’s aura through astral per- ception or viewing her from astral space; it just makes it more difficult to zero in on the targeted adept.
Adepts with this power are extremely confident and self-assured in social interactions. This includes situa- tions such as negotiations with a Mr. Johnson, running a con on the street, staying in-character while undercover, or resisting the tender inquiries of a professional interro- gator. Each level gives the adept +1 die in all Opposed Tests involving Social skills, regardless of whether they initiated the action or are resisting someone else’s social skills.
Adepts with this power have a knack for convincing people to believe them or do things for them in certain situations. For every level of this power, an adept gains a +1 die to any Opposed Intimidation or Leadership tests that they initiate (normal limits apply). If the ad- ept succeeds, then the target(s) will agree to or follow the adept’s next suggestion or command, within rea- son and depending on the situation. A subject won’t normally harm himself for example, but he may be per- suaded that the pretty-boy elf over there was making moves on his girl/guy and that punching said elf is a good idea. Or an adept may convince a corporate sec- retary to give up some dirt on her boss.
To keep this power in check, gamemasters can also grant targets a situational bonus based on how inclined the subject would be to believe the adept. An adept can attempt to use this ability on up to (Charisma) people at a time, with a –1 dice pool for any additional subjects.
(–5 FROM INITIATIVE SCORE) Counterstrike is an extremely potent ability that allows an adept in unarmed combat to redirect an attacker’s energy through a combination of skill, intuition, and magical ability. To employ this power, an adept must first use a successful Block action against an incoming attack and spend her next available action to make a melee combat attack. For the adept’s next melee com- bat attack test, add a number of dice equal to her levels in Counterstrike and the net hits from the Block. Engag- ing in any other action before attacking, even Dodge or Full Defense, negates the bonuses gained from this power. This power cannot be combined with the Coun- terstrike and Opposing Force martial arts techniques (p. 124 and 139, Run & Gun).
There are several powers this section that allow an adept to deal elemental damage or use an elemental effect, the most common being acid, cold, electricity, and fire. To understand how these elements cause damage, see p. 170, SR5.
These aren’t the only elemental effects that can be employed. Toxic adepts can use pollutants and radiation instead of normal elemental damage. To understand how these toxic elements work, see the sidebar about elemental effects in this book, p. 105
ACTIVATION: COMPLEX ACTION PREREQUISITES: ELEMENTAL STRIKE An evolved version of Elemental Strike and similar to the critter power Elemental Attack, Elemental Body creates an elemental field that envelops the adept. This field forms approximately three to five centimeters from the adept’s body and can be used offensively and defensively.
To activate this power, the adept must spend a Complex Action channeling the desired element. For offensive purposes, treat Elemental Body like the Ele- mental Strike power, with a DV of (Magic x 2)P and AP –(Magic x 0.5). For defense, anyone or thing coming into contact (melee or unarmed strike) with the adept while Elemental Body is active must resist the same DV and elemental effect as the offensive strike; fast-mov- ing projectiles such as bullets or thrown weapons are unaffected. Items already on the adept’s body or held by the adept are not damaged, but they do not gain any elemental effect.
Elemental Body lasts for (Magic) Initiative Passes or until the adept is rendered unconscious. This power can be deactivated at will using a Free Action before the time limit expires. Once deactivated, the adept must resist a Drain Value of (Magic x 0.5) + the number of Initiative Passes the power was active. Only one effect can be used at a time, and each elemental effect must be pur- chased as a separate power.
COST: 0.5 PP
ACTIVATION: SIMPLE ACTION PREREQUISITES: KILLING HANDS Elemental Strike enhances the damage caused by an unarmed Killing Hands strike by channeling an elemen- tal effect into the attack. Activating this power requires a Simple Action and the effect remains active for (Mag- ic) Combat Turns or until the adept deactivates it with. Free Action or is rendered unconscious. While active, the chosen elemental effect wreathes the hand, foot, or other body part the adept uses to strike. Only one effect can be used at a time and can’t be combined with any other adept striking power except Killing Hands. Each elemental effect must be purchased as a separate power.
COST: 0.5 PP
Similar to Elemental or Toxic Strike, Elemental Weapon allows an adept to channel an elemental effect (nor- mal or toxic) through her weapon focus instead of
her hands. A Simple Action is required to first chan- nel the desired elemental effect. Elemental Weapon remains active for (Magic) Combat Turns or until the adept deactivates it with a Free Action or is rendered unconscious. Only one elemental effect can be used at a time, and each elemental effect must be purchased as a separate power. This power can also be used with other powers that enhance an adept’s Accuracy or skills related to foci.
COST: 0.5 PP
Used only in the direst of circumstances, the Empathic Healing power allows an adept to literally take on the wounds of another in order to heal them. To accom- plish this, the adept rolls a Magic + Willpower Test. For every hit, one box of Physical damage transfers from the wounded target to the adept’s damage track. Only Physical damage can be healed in this way.
Subjects with lower than normal Essence, due to augmentations or Essence loss, are more difficult to heal. Apply a negative modifier equal to the subject’s lost Essence (6 – current Essence Rating, round down) to the dice pool for the adept’s healing test. The test it- self requires two full Combat Turns per box of damage to complete, and the healing adept must maintain physical contact during the entire process. Damage modifiers are applied once the adept completes the process.
This power allows an adept to change his appearance by shifting the muscles, bone structure, and cartilage in his face. Each level purchased gives the adept a +1 dice pool modifier for Disguise Tests. The effect can be sustained for (Magic) hours.
Common changes include altering ear shape, chang- ing nose shape, raising/lowering cheekbones, growing tusks, reshaping the forehead, lengthening/shortening facial hair, and so on. Adepts can even change their face to another metatype of they wish, but they can’t change their body shape. The time required to change one fea- ture is approximately one minute. Multiple features can be changed simultaneously with a Body + Magic Test, with each hit resulting in one additional change. The ad- ept needs another full minute to undo the changes and return their features to normal.
Adepts with the Flexibility power can bend or twist their bodies past the metahuman norm, which allows them to squeeze through openings smaller than the adept (gamemaster’s discretion) and escape restraints easier. It also makes and adept harder to subdue during un- armed combat. For every level of Flexibility the adept possesses, the threshold for moving through cramped corners or getting out of restraints is lowered by one. During unarmed combat, if someone is attempting to subdue the adept, the adept gains +1 die per level of Flexibility to prevent being subdued; normal limits still apply.
This power helps adepts absorb the damage from a fall or jump down for a specific distance. This ability does not help the adept increase the distance he is jumping, such as with the Light Body power. Every level of Freef- all allows the adept to fall or jump down 3 additional meters without any adverse effects (beyond the three meters normally allowed). When calculating fall damage past his personal distance threshold, subtract the overall level bonus from the Damage Value of the fall and then apply damage normally (see p. 172, SR5). This means that an adept with Freefall receives no damage from a fall of six meters or less, rather than the typical three me- ters. Beyond that, if an adept with two levels of Freefall falls 15 meters, the power negates 6 points of damage from the fall, changing the Damage Value of the fall from 15P to 9P (the fall’s AP remains unchanged). As long as the adept experiences no damage from the fall (either because the fall was short enough to cause no dam- age or because they successfully resisted all applicable damage using Body + Armor, the fall counts as a normal move action, and can be combined with an attack. Any other means of dealing with the damage does not allow this opportunity. Longer falls count as a Complex Action.
Adepts with this power receive two benefits. First, for each level of this power, the adept gains a +1 dice pool bonus for all Climbing Tests. Second, the adept can tem- porarily adhere to surfaces, such as walls. For each level of this power, the adept can attach himself to a surface and hang out for approximately five minutes, provided he remains motionless and keeps physical contact with the surface in question with hands, feet, knees, or el- bows. The adept must spend a Simple Action to bond his magical energy with the surface; normal clothing such as gloves or boots does not interfere with this pow- er, but the use of heavy armor (armor with a Rating of 13 or higher) will. Moving the attached body parts on the surface they’re adhering to, such as a moving vehicle, breaks the bond, making the adept fall off.
COST: 0.5 PP
This power allows an adept to generate and channel ex- tra energy into an unarmed or melee strike specifically intended to knock a target down. To use this power, the adept must first declare her intention by spending a Free Action before the actual strike to channel the necessary energy. If the adept is successful with the attack, she adds (Magic x 0.5) to her Strength to determine if a knockdown occurs (p. 194, SR5). Inertia Strike does not deal damage. Using this power is considered a Called Shot (see p. 195, SR5). Note: This power cannot be combined with the Im- posing Stone Martial Arts Technique (p. 138, Run & Gun).
COST: 0.5 PP
An advanced version of Kinesics (p. 310, SR5), this pow- er allows two adepts with this ability to communicate with each other while using solely non-verbal cues, such as body language and minute facial expressions, and natural subconscious cues. While general messag- es and mental states are easily relayed, those with Ki- nesics Mastery can relay specific, detailed information such as locations, names, places, or numbers. Commu- nication in this way requires adepts to have direct line of sight and be close enough to read each other’s facial features and body language, whether through natural, augmented, or magical means.
COST: 0.25 PP
Through enhanced memory and mimicry, adepts with this power are able to learn new languages after a mini- mal amount of exposure to it, without spending Karma. To learn a new language, an adept must be exposed to the new language for (12 – Magic Rating) hours, (mini- mum 1 hour). The adept then makes a Logic + Intuition Test using the Linguistics Table. If successful, the adept gains the language at Rating 1. Further development of the new language requires normal Karma expenditure.
Common (English, Japanese, Spanish) 1
Uncommon (Latin, Or’zet, Sperethiel) 2
Obscure (Aramaic, Lapp, Berber) 3
COST: 0.5 PP
Magic Sense allows an adept to detect the use of mag- ic in her vicinity. Treat this power as the Detect Magic spell (p. 287, SR5) but with a range equal to (Magic x 10) meters. Adepts with the Astral Perception power can also use Magic Sense to detect astral forms while perceiving the astral plane.
COST: 0.5 PP
This power allows the adept to change the color of his skin and/or hair to that of another ethnicity/metatype, limited to the colors normally found in metahuman genetic expressions. The shift costs a Complex Action and lasts for (Magic) hours.
COST: 0.5 PP
An adept with this power has the ability to enter a deep meditative state where all metabolic processes are slowed. This has two benefits. The first is to reduce the amount of rest the adept needs. In game terms, for every hour the adept in this state, she increases the in- terval for taking fatigue damage from sleep deprivation by another three hours (see p. 172, SR5).
The second benefit preserves the adept’s life in emer- gency situations. When the adept goes into Physical overflow damage, he immediately goes into this medita- tive state. While in this state, the adept only takes an ad- ditional box of overflow damage every (Body) hours. An adept can exit this state whenever he wishes, but doing so while severely injured causes all wounds or toxins to immediately take effect unless treated or healed.
In the hands of an adept with Missile Mastery, every- day items such as bottles, credsticks, tools, empty clips, flashlights, cooking utensils, and so on can be turned into deadly weapons. Such improvised weapons have a Damage Value of (STR)P with an Accuracy of 3. The adept can also declare whether these weapons do Physical or Stun damage. Additionally, adepts with this ability have a greater affinity for throwing weapons. For ranged attacks with non-explosive throwing weapons, the adept gains +1 die and adds +1 to the weapon’s Damage Value.
COST: 0.5 PP
Able to sense movement in her immediate vicinity, an adept with this power becomes a living motion sensor and is very difficult to sneak up on or ambush. Through a combination of natural and magical senses, the adept feels the movement of people, animals, or objects by their displacement of air molecules, changes in ambi- ent barometric pressure, vibrations, or the minute dis- ruption of the local mana field. This feeling alerts the adept to movement around her equal to (Magic) me- ters and can be used to detect living beings or objects that would otherwise be hidden by normal senses such as sight, sound, or smell. The size of the target also di- rectly affects the adept’s ability to sense it.
To use this power, the adept must first make a Per- ception + Magic [Mental] test. The threshold for this test is based on the size of whatever the adept is attempting to sense; consult the Motion Sense table for results.
Smaller than dog/cat 3
Smaller than average metahuman (dwarf) 2
Average metahuman (human, ork, elf) 1
Larger than average (troll) Succès automatique
By targeting various nerve clusters in his opponent’s body, an adept with this ability can disable or subdue on opponent without causing physical injury or death. To use this power, the adept must first declare his inten- tion to employ it and then make a normal melee attack. If successful, the adept may choose to reduce his op- ponent’s Agility or Reaction (attacker’s choice) by 1 per net hit instead of inflicting Physical or Stun damage. If the targeted attribute reaches 0, the target is rendered paralyzed. An attacker must choose only one attribute to target per attack. The target regains lost attribute points with rest: 1 hour of rest recovers 1 lost point.
Nerve Strike works best on metahumans but can also be used against critters. A critter’s nerve clusters are more difficult to target, so two net hits are required to lower the targeted critter’s attribute by 1; all other nor- mal rules apply. Targets without a functioning nervous system, such as spirits, drones, and so on, are unaffected by this power.
COST: 0.25 PP
Adepts with this ability have exceptional manual dex- terity. In game terms, this grants +1 die to Palming Tests, Performance Tests where the adept plays a mu- sical instruments that requires the use of fingers, or any tests where small tools or items are used (game- master’s discretion). Additionally, the Simple Actions Change Gun Mode, Insert Clip, Remove Clip, and Use Simple Device are now considered Free Actions.
Similar to Nerve Strike but nicer, an adept channels mana into qi/chakra points to relieve tension, pain, and muscle fatigue. In game terms, this means removing the effects of Stun damage from a target. To use this power, the adept makes a Magic + Agility Test against a target. Every net hit temporarily removes one box of Stun damage from the target; normal rules for healing patients with implants still apply (p. 208, SR5). This ef- fect only lasts for (Magic) hours or until the actual dam- age is healed, whichever comes first. The time neces- sary to complete the process is five minutes per box removed, and the adept must maintain contact with the target. Should the adept lose contact with the tar- get for any reason before the process is complete, all benefits are immediately lost and the adept must re- peat the process.
This ability allows an adept to focus and project an un- armed attack a short distance forward, bypassing armor the target may have or punching through their thick, stubborn hide. In essence, this gives the adept’s attack an AP rating equal to the levels she has in this power (maximum 4). This power can be used in conjunction with the Killing Hands power but not Elemental Strike.
COST: 0.5 PP
This power surrounds the adept in a dense cloud of fumes, insects, or other pollutants or toxins. All ranged attacks made while the power is active (either against or by the adept) are considered to be in at least Moderate Fog/Smoke (see Ranged Attack Modifiers, p. 173, SR5). If anyone makes a successful melee attack against an adept with this power is active, the attacker must resist the damage effects of pollution (see sidebar, p. 105).
COST: 0.5 PP
No longer limited to pistols, the Rapid Draw power can be used by the adept to rapidly and more easily employ a variety of weapons in combat. Any weapon that is prop- erly holstered can be quick-drawn; this includes blades, pistols, and throwing weapons. To use this ability, the ad- ept makes a standard quick draw test (p. 165, SR5) but the threshold for this test is decreased by 1; this is cumulative with the use of a quick-draw holster. Also, with this pow- er, a Quick Draw action is considered a Free Action.
For the purposes of this power, larger weapons such as SMGs, shotguns, or assault rifles attached to slings and/or held in front of the adept at the “low ready” po- sition are also considered holstered and can be quick- drawn as such.
Similar to Counterstrike, Riposte is used during armed melee combat to redirect an attacker’s energy against them. To employ this power, an adept must first use a successful Parry action against an incoming attack and spend his next available action to make a melee com- bat attack. For the adept’s next melee combat attack test, add a number of dice equal to his levels in Riposte and the net hits from the Parry. Engaging in any other action before attacking, even Dodge or Full Defense, negates the bonuses gained from this power. Note: This power cannot be combined with the Riposte and Yield- ing Force Martial Arts techniques (p. 125 and 141, Run & Gun).
This power is a minor form of levitation that gives an ad- ept the ability to run across a surface that she normally wouldn’t be able to, such as thin ice, a fragile structure, or water. The adept pushes off with her first step as she moves across the target surface before she stops. The distance an adept can traverse is equal to her Magic rating in meters. Attempting to traverse further distanc- es requires the adept to find a stable surface or landing area to repeat the process; those who fail to find such a surface fall through whatever they are moving across. An adept attempting an acrobatic move or defensive Interrupt Action while using this power suffers a –3 dice pool penalty to her dice pool for the acrobatic or interrupt test.
Adepts with this power focus their magic into a single unarmed strike to break through obstacles. Multiply the adept’s base DV by 2 when attacking a barrier or other static structure. This applies to both physical and mag- ical barriers.
COST: 0.25 PP
Named by the Beast’s Way Sioux adept that discovered it, Spirit Claw allows the adept to temporarily create a small weapon of spiritual energy for use against spirits. While the discoverer’s manifestation of this power ap- peared as a set of oversized claws, others with this pow- er have learned to form whatever weapon they desire— clubs, hammers, daggers, spikes, and so on—based on their particular Way or paradigm. Activated with a Free Action, Spirit Claw adds (Magic x 0.5) to the adept’s unarmed DV against spirits (regardless of whether the combat is physical or astral). It remains active for (Magic x 0.5) Combat Turns or when the adept deactivates it with a Free Action or strikes with it. To use Spirit Claw again, the energies must be re-channeled by spending another Free Action. Against spirits, this power can only be combined with the Killing Hands power.
COST: 0.5 PP
Similar to Spirit Claw, Spirit Ram creates a temporary, ram shape—horns, ram’s head, wedge, spikes, and so forth—in front of the adept for charge attacks against spirits in either physical or astral combat. The Reach of this weapon is (Magic x 0.5) meters, and its DV is (Mag- ic) with AP – (Magic x 0.5). Spirit Ram moves with the adept and remains active for (Magic x 0.5) Combat Turns or when the adept deactivates it with a Free Action or strikes with it. To use Spirit Ram again, the energies must be re-channeled by spending another Simple Action.
This power allows an adept to exert control over her body to avoid detection. By slowing her physiological processes (heart rate, breathing, and the need to flex muscles) and entering a relaxed state, the adept becomes completely motionless for a specific amount of time. Her body’s heat signature is also lessened, making the adept harder to de- tect by thermographic means. For every level of this power, the adept can remain in this state for approximately one hour. Anyone using auditory or thermographic means to locate or perceive an adept using this power receives a negative penalty equal to the level of the adept’s power. Visual searches or Perception Tests are unaffected by this power. This power is negated as soon as the adept moves.
COST: 0.25 PP
Adepts with this power have exceptional metabolisms and can function with less food and water than normal. An average metahuman requires approximately three meals per day to maintain normal functions before fa- tigue damage begins. An adept with this power needs only one meal per day. In game terms, the intervals for hunger and thirst are increased to seven days for hunger and three days for thirst (p. 172, SR5).
This power allows adepts to better withstand the effects of extreme temperatures. For every level in this power, the adept gains a +1 dice pool bonus for resisting dam- age caused by extreme temperature exposure (p. 172, SR5). This also can be used against magical effects such as elemental fire or cold (p. 170–171, SR5).
COST: 0.5 PP
Three-Dimensional Memory allows an adept to men- tally record an area he has visited and then later recall it in ultra-clear detail. This ability is favored by adept investigators and recon specialists. To use this ability, the adept in question must use a Complex Action to view the targeted area in detail. This includes what he actually observed, but also any sensations he felt. The range of what the adept can observe is (Magic x Magic) cubic meters. He can record a number of areas equal to his Magic rating.
To recall what he recorded, the adept requires a Per- ception + Magic [Mental] test. What area he’s able to remember depends on what he was actually able to ob- serve—for example, he wouldn’t know the contents of a closed cabinet but will remember the cabinet’s features in detail—and how long ago he observed the scene. To determine the threshold for the test, see the Three Di- mensional Memory Table. If the threshold is reached, the adept can mentally walk through the scene and re- call everything he mentally recorded; however, he will be unable to interact with anything in the scene.
24 hour 1
One week 2
One month 3
One year 4
Over a year 5
COST: 0.5 PP
Toxic adepts with this power can channel either pol- lutants or radiation to an Unarmed Combat attack to cause extra elemental damage. The use of this ability follows the same rules and guidelines as the Elemental Strike power (p. 170). Each toxic elemental effect must be purchased as a separate power.
In keeping with their affinity for all things technolog- ical, adepts of the Artisan’s Way are able to alter the standard Adept Centering metamagic ability (p. 325, SR5) to grant bonuses for either Active Vehicle skills or Active Technical skills. Bonding a qi focus (p. 319, SR5) that enhances the adept’s Improved Ability (any Tech- nical and Vehicle skill) power costs two Karma less than normal.
Artisans may choose to use their Way discount bo- nus on the following skills: Analytics, Enhanced Percep- tion, Heightened Concentration, Improved Ability (any Technical or Vehicle skill), Improved Potential (Mental only), Metabolic Control, Three-Dimensional Memory.
Master creators or entertainers, those who follow the Artist’s Way channel their energies into inspiring peo- ple and showing them the beauty of the Sixth World. As such, they’re able to use standard Adept Centering to negate any negative modifiers during a Performance Test for an artistic performance or an Artisan Test for the creation of an artwork. They can also bond a foci that enhances their Improved Ability (Artisan) power for two Karma less than normal.
Artists may choose to use their Way discount bonus on the following skills: Astral Perception, Cool Resolve, Enhanced Perception, Improved Ability (Artisan), Kine- sics Mastery, Metabolic Control, Nimble Fingers, Voice Control.
These adepts focus their energy on only one thing: honing their bodies for maximum performance to be- come the absolute best at whatever sport, game, or competition they’ve chosen. As such they receive a +1 effective initiate grade while using the Adept Centering technique for any skill from the Athletics skill group.
Athletes may choose from the following skills for their Way discount bonus: Great Leap, Improved Abil- ity, Improved Physical Attribute, Improved Potential, Pain Resistance, Skate, Spirit Ram, Rapid Healing, Wall Running.
Adepts who follow this path are under the guidance of an animal mentor spirit, which they refer to as their totem, similar to some shamans. Through the emula- tion of their totem, these adepts seek to improve them- selves, and like followers of the Spiritual Way, they’re considered to be more spiritual than the average adept. As such, they receive all the bonuses and drawbacks associated with their personal totem.
Because of their unique outlook, followers of the Beast’s Way have an above-average rapport with nature and gain a +1 situational bonus to all Animal Handling Tests; however, if the adept’s totem is a predatory one, this bonus does not apply against animals that totem would normally consider prey. When dealing with the same animal as their totem, the adept gains an automatic +4 for any Animal Handling Tests involv- ing them.
Followers of the Beast’s Way may choose from the following skills for their discount bonus: Animal Em- pathy, Astral Perception, Berserk, Combat Sense, El- emental Strike, Enhanced Perception, Killing Hands, Magic Sense, Mystic Armor, Motion Sense, and Trace- less Walk. In addition, Beast’s Way adepts are able to choose one power other power for the discount.
Those who have embraced technology in all the wrong ways or felt the need to take shortcuts to achieve power and performance find themselves on this “Way.” Often they become mere shells of them- selves. Most do not start as a Burnout; it’s usually something that happens to them. To start this path after character creation, the adept must have lost or sacrificed at least 2 points from their Magic rating to any kind of augmentation that lowers essence.
If the Burnout previously had a true Way, then they must pay back any discounted powers by rearranging or sacrificing current powers until the values match the adept’s new Magic Rating. They are, however, allowed to keep whatever metamagics they may have previously earned through initiation. To compensate for this loss, Burnouts are considered to be more compatible with augmentations: treat any standard augmentations the adept acquires after burning out as being alphaware grade for purposes of Essence loss, though not for pur- chase costs. (All other grades function as normal). Note that lost Essence due to new augmentations will reduce Magic as normal (p. 54, SR5).
As long as the adept still has a Magic Rating, he can still continue to initiate and gain more Magic and adept powers. Once he gains two Magic Rating points after taking the Burnout quality, he loses the quality, though he keeps the benefits gained up until that point (meaning the Essence cost of his augmentations do not change).
Master spies, infiltrators, and assassins—all are common followers of the Invisible Way. What more can be said?
Because a follower of this way generally prefers stealth to direct, open combat, bonding a focus that enhances a physical non-combat skill costs two less Kar- ma than normal.
Followers of the Invisible Way may choose from the fol- lowing skills for their discount bonus: Blind Fighting, Com- bat Sense, Critical Strike, Enhanced Perception, Great Leap, Hands, Motion Sense, Nerve Strike, Skate, Three-Dimen- sional Memory, Traceless Walk, Wall Running.
One of the most popular Ways for mystic adepts, the Magician’s Way seeks to find balance between physical and magical abilities—or at least find what works best for the adept. Because of the time the adept spends on her sorcery and spellcasting abilities, many feel that she is not truly embracing either aspect. Adepts who practice this Way feel they are simply trying to either make the best of what they have or find the best of both worlds.
Unlike their physical counterparts, mystic adepts fol- lowing this Way have access to all non-adept metam- agic abilities for which they meet the prerequisites. And because they do not specialize as much as other ad- epts (and do not receive a bonus besides the discount on Power Point cost), followers of this Way are able to choose any power they want for the discount, with the exception of Improved Reflexes.
Often called social adepts, Speakers are some of the best faces in the biz. Adepts of the Speaker’s Way are highly talented negotiators, fixers, and motivators. They use words the way a samurai uses his sword, talking themselves in and out of situations that would kill others. When it comes to changing people’s minds or getting them to do something, accept no substitutes.
Speakers receive a +1 to their dice pool when us- ing flexible signature and masking metamagical tech- niques. In addition, the Karma cost for bonding foci that increase their Improved Ability (Social skill) power is two less than normal.
Speakers can apply their Way discount bonuses to the following powers: Analytics, Cool Resolve, En- hanced Perception, Improved Ability (Social skill), Im- proved Potential (Mental or Social), Kinesics Mastery, Three-Dimensional Memory, Voice Control.
Those who follow this path are under the guidance of a mentor spirit, similar to shamans. Through the emulation of their mentor spirit, these adepts seek to improve them- selves and are considered to be more spiritual than the average adept. As such, they receive all the bonuses and drawbacks associated with their particular mentor spirit.
Because of their more spiritual outlook, adepts of the Spiritual Way have an above-average rapport with spir- its, which conveys a +1 situational bonus to all Conjuring Tests. And when dealing with other magicians who fol- low the same mentor spirit, the adept gains an automat- ic +2 dice pool bonus for any social tests involving them.
Followers of the Spiritual Way may choose from the following skills for their discount bonus: Astral Percep- tion, Elemental Strike, Elemental Weapon, Enhanced Perception, Killing Hands, Magic Sense, Mystic Armor. In addition, Spiritual Way adepts may choose one power from another Way’s list for the discount.
The Warrior is the type that most mundanes associate with the word adept. These elite combatants dedicate their lives to forging their bodies into lethal weapons or engines of war. Combat is their calling, and they excel at it, accomplishing through skill and magic what oth- ers use augmentations to accomplish.
Bonding a weapon focus costs two less Karma than normal for those following the Warrior’s Way.
Warriors can choose from the following list of pow- ers for their discount: Blind Fighting, Combat Sense, Counterstrike, Critical Strike, Improved Ability, Improved Potential (Physical), Killing Hands, Missile Mastery, Mo- tion Sense, Rapid Draw.

Type: P Duration: I
Range: T Drain: F – 3
Damage: P
Type: P Duration: I
Range: LOS Drain: F – 2
Type: P Range: LOS (A) Damage: P Duration: I Drain: F – 1
These spells conjure a sizzling blast of corrosive spray that inflicts Acid damage (p. 170, SR5) upon their targets similar to Acid Stream and Toxic Wave (p. 283, SR5). The corrosive nature of these blasts only affects the specified object for which the spell was created to harm. All other objects remain unharmed. Different ob- jects require separate spells, such as Corrode Wall, Melt Electronics, Sludge Armor, and so on.
Type: M Range: LOS Damage: Special Duration: I Drain: F – 2
Disrupt [Focus] channels and then diverts mana into disrupting a specific active magical focus dealing temporary damage to its astral form. A focus that receives damage equal to its Force from this spell is disrupted and becomes inactive. The magician bonded to the focus can’t gain dice bonuses or any other benefit from the focus until it’s reactivated. A number of boxes of temporary damage equal to the Force of the focus are “healed” at the beginning of the next Combat Turn. The owner may spend a Simple Action to reactivate the focus when all damage is healed. Disrupting a sustaining focus also disrupts the spell it is sustaining. Astrally projecting magicians whose foci become disrupted cannot reactivate them until their astral form gets back into their physical body.

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